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CEP - The Best Free App for Customer Engagement. 1.2.0
Ajura Customer engagement platform (CEP) app helps businessesrecordtheir customer footfall instantly without any hassle. WithAjuraCEP, you are ready to provide better customer satisfactionandincrease loyalty. This platform helps you take your business tothenext level by improving your communication with your customers.Takeadvantage of the efficient Omni-channel marketing platform togetmaximum ROI. Core Features: 1. Record all customer footfallsand getanalytics It’svery easy to store your customer details inAjura CEPapp. The user friendly platform allows you to storeinformation suchas your customer name, mobile number, email,birthday etc. 2. Buildup customer database With Ajura CEP app, youcan grow your databaseday-by-day. Not even a single footfall willremain unrecorded. 3.Run Loyalty Programs With a well maintainedcustomer database, youcan run various customer loyalty programssuch as discounts, offers,points cashbacks etc. This in turn willhelp your business grow. 4.Send out transaction alerts Sendtransaction alters to yourcustomer, once he/she has completed oneinteraction with the brand.5. Improve Brand Engagement Send outBirthday / Anniversary/Festival greetings to your customers andmake them feel good. Eachinteraction, reminds your customers aboutyour brand. 6. MarketingCommunications Reach your customerdatabase with SMS/ VoiceMessages/ Emails. You can now utilize yourstored database tocommunicate your marketing message.